Thursday, February 23, 2012

Grayscale Collage

In class, we have been working on making a collage of grayscales over a picture that we chose. I, like this artist, chose an animal as my subject matter. In orfer to match the grayscales, you kind of half to squint your eyes and image the image as the different grayscales. In my picture, instead of doing the background that was in the picture, I used a darker grayscale to make the pig pop more. This artist chose to go with the actual background and you can tell they put a lot of time and effert in these penguins.

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

High Key, Low Key

High Key Low Key pictures are very unique from most pictures. They contain different gray scales that are either high or low. In this image, you can see the contrast between the high gray scales and the low gray scales. I think that this image does a good job of showing the different gray scales.